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Making Better Thought-Movies One Truth At A Time


What Are the 75 Parables Jesus Taught His Disciples?

The 75 parables are a goldmine of information...

Jesus gives us "boring to many" parables, which are simple "word-pictures" designed to change the way we think and act. These are treasures of GOD information that lie under the surface, out of the reach of those who have no craving for "seeds" that will transform their thought-life.

  • The parables are "food for the imagination" - inside secrets to GOD thinking
  • Parables are "word pictures" with a purpose to form true and accurate concepts
  • Parables are power images, powerful word-pictures that we place into our thoughts and imagination - to play over and over again in the "movie theater" of our mind - to dominate our thought-life, and allow GOD to talk to us through the parable picture or words, or both

Word-pictures are now available for us to store in the "movie theater of our mind...providing for us the material that will replace "bad" thought movies with "healthy images."

Parables are truths in "seed" form.

The key to the parables taught by Jesus is:

  • to understand each picture;
  • to see details correctly
  • and store them in the chambers of the imagination...
  • And not to interpret the parable away historically


  • Parables are living, spiritual movies, delivered by GOD for our benefit
  • As each individual thinks in the "movie theater" of his or her mind - in the secret chambers of the imagination - the place of the "spiritual heart," so is he. Proverbs 23.7

Ezekiel 8.12 "Then said he unto me, Son of man, hast thou seen what the elders of the house of Israel do in the dark, every man in his chambers of imagery? for they say, the LORD sees us not; the LORD hath forsaken the earth.

These parables will uniquely form mental pictures, ideas, and imaginations, out of which all decisions in life can be measured and made...

They will be our keys and private "access" to Kingdom of GOD thinking!

  • Some people have played the same old destructive "bitterness" movies and "hatred" movies every hour for years, and wonder why they are sick and frustrated
  • People do not realize that playing these "soap box" movies every day of their adult life actually takes control of their thoughts, actions and relationships

These parables and other proverbs will provide all of us with enough principles to govern and control our thinking and the decision-making process for the rest of our life...

It is, however, our personal responsibility to put these word-power pictures every day into the "movie theater of our mind" - into the storehouse of thoughts. To take each of the 75 parables and put them on the movie screen in the "movie theater of our mind" every day...

Running the pictures (meditating every day) will impregnate the imagination, clean out the junk and false information - and create results that will be exciting and beneficial.

GOD will keep His part of the deal.

The problem is in us...

This is what Romans 12:2 is all about, "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."

Not a bad deal, is it? Let us start with these parables...

This is GOD information we must have.

GOD set it up the 75 parables for our benefit. Let's learn them. Let's do it!

75 parables for us...

Why did Jesus teach these 75 Parables?

  • These are GOD's unique method of showing His people what to do in life, and how to do it!
  • The Holy Spirit of GOD needs material in the movie theater of our mind so He can speak to us, and guide us clearly and accurately
  • We need GOD's input, and He knows what we need to know when we need to know it...and what we do not know, when we need to know it - will certainly hurt us.

Proverbs 6:22 "When you walk, their counsel will lead you. When you sleep, they will protect you. When you wake up, they will advise you."

Our thoughts can be ignited by the powerful "seeds" of information that are contained in each of the parables.

Just as Eve got "bad" information from the tree of the knowledge of "good and evil" - we get GOD information...

None of these parables or their details do not need to be explained away because the Holy Spirit of GOD will speak to us when the time is right, and when we individually have the need for guidance. When any situation arrives, we'll be equipped, and ready.

The Holy Spirit will speak to our imagination as we discover the relationship between the spiritual heart - our imagination, and our thoughts.

The "imagination" is the most powerful force GOD has given to us.

What we hold in our imagination determines our destiny! These 75 parables will help each of us achieve this goal.

These 75 parables are the start to having new information to accept, chew on, meditate, and begin to hide in the compartments of the imagination...

Making Better Thought-Movies One Truth At A Time
